Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm the flat-footed-mule-faced-fucker the shit-bird-derelict-king

yet another night these insomnia ridden eyes wander through webpage after webpage, putting aside those laboring thoughts that swims within the great depths of my mind. though i hear them murmur.

i am sinking into a slow state of.. perpetual apathy; the rapist of my being.
i want i need inspiration.
i want to be completely plagued by something that i have never laid eyes upon , something so raw and tender it smothers me and i choke, and everything just... stops, and gets suspended in time where my consciousness dissipates and i am overwhelmed by emotions so strange and foreign it inhabits me and becomes the pulse that beats intensely within me.
and after that brief moment of complete and utter enlightenment, i want to gasp for air as if it was my last, i want to breathe like it was the first breath ever after coma, and feel with every nerve of my being as that mouthful of air rushes through my unwholesome lungs.
i want to feel like a foreigner in my own skin. i want to feel and to love like i've never before.

but instead, with such apathy and lurid nocturnal brilliance, these endless nights of insomnia thats starting to suggest permanence is spent wasted on facebook and tumblr. perghhhh.
but its always tons of fun when you're baked !

im on sem break for a month before i enter my second year of Journalism and i figured that i should get a part time job, considering i wont be heading home this time round. so i tried my luck and sent my shitty resume to Cotton On ( its a pretty rad store), and so with much anticipation, i received an email yesterday from cotton on, asking me to go for a walk-in interview this friday.
so yeah...i am..fucking stoked.

and slightly nervous.

its almost 7:30 in the morning and i need a shower then hopefully i fall into a deep sleep and dream about being in a sigur ros music video. hope all you gorgeous humans out there have yourselves a great thursday!


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