Friday, April 23, 2010

so its yet ANOTHER night im wide eyed and bored out of my fucking brains.
boyfriend sleeps like a pig (but he likes the term koala bear better). i want a cat. a nocturnal one. so it can keep me company, listen to devendra banhart with me, lay on my tummy and surt the internet with me.

i also want yakult. me and my future cat can drink yakult together and be miserable and sleepless. i love doing laundry. especially when im bored , i find myself searching for dirty clothes to throw in the laundry just for the sake of doing laundry. i love taking out my clothes from the dryer and then smelling them too.

i just feel like eating cake right now. but then its not fun eating cake all alone :(
i need a cat in my life!

i miss my birdnest

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